Programme Learning Outcomes

PLO1 Able to apply mathematical principles, basic science, and information to gain an understanding of geological engineering
PLO2 Able to identify, analyze, resolve and evaluate various kinds of problems in the field of geological engineering, based on the results of information and data analysis
PLO3 Able to design and carry out research in the field of geological engineering in accordance with current developments and technology with a global perspective
PLO4 Able to work independently and collaborate in a group and be adaptive to environmental conditions
PLO5 Able to use modern engineering techniques, skills and tools in engineering practices in the field of geological engineering
PLO6 Able to work professionally according to their competencies and develop their knowledge and skills into the world of work
PLO7 Able to make appropriate decisions and communicate both orally and in writing in a responsible manner in the field of geological engineering
PLO8 Able to comply with professional ethics, and prioritize safety, health, community welfare and the environment
PLO9 Able to have leadership, management, business, public policy skills, and strive to obtain professional certification
PLO10 Able to have entrepreneurial skills and spirit as well as enthusiasm in running a business