Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Ir. Thomas Triadi Putranto, ST, M.Eng., IPU


Laboratorium Geologi Tata Lingkungan

Thomas Triadi Putranto is a professor at the Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. He holds bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in geological engineering from Gadjah Mada University (UGM). For his doctoral degree, Dr. Thomas graduated from RWTH Aachen University. His research focuses on hydrogeology which has been published in various national and international publications.

PTGL6030 Hydrogeology

PTGL6015 Geocomputation 

PTGL6020 Geostatistics 

PTGL6024 Geological Engineering Drawing

LTGL6056 Groundwater Modelling

LTGL6051 Groundwater Geochemistry

LTGL6049 Watershed Hydrology

  1. Urban Hydrogeological Studies Related to Quantity and Quality of Groundwater as the Impact of Urbanization on Environmental Problems in Urban Areas on the North Coast of the Java Sea (Semarang City and Demak Regency). Funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

2019-2021. Analysis of Groundwater Potential for Water Footprint Evaluation (Hydrology, Economics, & Public Health) in the Sumowono Groundwater Basin (CAT) Area, Central Java Province. Funded by Diponegoro University.

  1. Integration of Earth Studies to Overcome Drought in Rembang Regency. Funded by LPDP.
  2. Study of Potential and Determination of Infiltration Wells as an Effort to Control Floods in Pekalongan City Based on Geographic Information Systems. Funded by Local Government.

2019-2020. Application of Spatial Analysis to Develop Groundwater Vulnerability Using Drastic and Sintacs Methods in Semarang Coastal Aquifer. Funded by Diponegoro University.

  1. Utilising the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using the Susceptibility Index (SI) Method in Semarang Coastal Aquifer. Funded by Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University.
  2. Hydrogeological Analysis Using a Spatial Approach in the Pagatan Groundwater Basin (CAT), Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Funded by Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University.

Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals and International Proceedings

Putranto, T.T., Susanto, N., Pangestuti, D.R., Putro, A.B., 2021, Water Quality Index Analysis for Water Drinking and Irrigation in the Sumowono Groundwater Basin,Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 241-253, Jul. 2021.

Zahra, F.S., Putranto, T.T., 2021, The Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability towards Contamination using the DRASTIC and NV Indexes in Banjarbaru City, South Borneo, Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Geography, vol. 53 no. 3,

Susanto, Syafrudin, Putranto, T.T., 2021, Spatial distribution change of groundwater quality in deep aquifer of Semarang alluvial plains area in past five years, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 896, The 3rd International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues, and Community Development 9 September 2021, Semarang, Indonesia (Virtual).

Putranto, T.T., Winarno, T., Susanta, A.P.A., 2020, Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Geology, vol.7, no.2, 10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224.

Putranto, T.T., Hidajat, W.K., and Prayudi, S.D., 2020, Hydrogeological Mapping and Geochemical Analysis of Groundwater in Kendal Groundwater Basin (CAT), Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 305-318, Aug. 2020.

Putranto, T.T., Setiawan, D., 2019Determination of Conservation Zones and Utilization of Free Aquifer Groundwater in the Pati-Rembang Groundwater Basin, Central Java Province, RISET, vol. 29, no.2,


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  • 2021. Socialization of the Use of River Water Filter Devices to Residents of RW 03 Jabungan Village, Semarang. Funded by Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University.
  • 2021. Application of Geographic Information System for Inventory of Groundwater Sources at Wonosobo CAT during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Funded by Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University.
  • 2020. Inventory of Potential and Needs of Infiltration Wells in Surakarta City. Funded by Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University.
  • 2019. Book Donation and Scientific Dissemination Related to the Environment to Prevent Environmental Damage and Flood Disasters at SD Pedalangan 02 Tembalang, Semarang. Funded by Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University.