Anita Galih Ringga Jayanti, ST, MT
E-mail: anitagalih@lecturer.undip.ac.id
Laboratorium Sumber Daya Energi
Anita Galih Ringga Jayanti is a lecturer at the Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. She holds the bachelor’s degree in Geological Engineering from Diponegoro University in 2011 and continued her master’s in Geological Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology. After she graduated with a master’s degree in 2014, she worked as paleontologist at Geological Museum, Bandung. She began her career as lecturer in 2023, which focuses on paleontology.
PTGL6010 Macro-paleontology
PTGL6025 Micro-paleontology
PTGL6026 Historical Geology
Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals and International Proceedings
Suharyogi, I., Djafar, A., Jayanti, A. G. R., & Wibowo, U. P. (2019). Identifikasi Potensi Koleksi Museum Geologi sebagai Objek Wisata Berbasis Edukasi Geologi. Proceedings, Geodiversity: Seminar Nasional Kebumian, Kebumen.
Jayanti, A. G. R., Wibowo, U.P., Suharyogi, I., & Ayu, R. (2019). Distribution of Freshwater Mollusk Fossils on Bumiayu Paleontological Site, Central Java. Proceedings JYC.
Suharyogi, I., Wibowo, U.P., Djafar, A. , & Jayanti, A. G. R. (2019). Shark Fossils from Bojonegoro, Blora, Central Java, Indonesia. Proceedings JYC.
Sari, R.A.P., Winantris, W., Fauzielly, L., Jayanti, A. G. R., Aswan, A., & Wibowo, U. P. (2019). Depositional Environmental Changes of Cimanceuri Formation Based on Mollusk Fossil Assemblages in Bayah, Banten Province. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology vol. 2 no. 2. doi: https://doi.org/10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.2.2986
Jayanti, A. G. R., Ayu, R., & Wibowo, U.P. (2017). The Tertiary Mollusk Fossil Dispersion on The Southern Part of Cirebon Area . Proceedings JCM.
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