Internal Laboratory

In order to conduct learning processes and researchs, our laboratories provide proper and well maintained tools and equipment. The availability and utilization for general uses are scheduled every semester by laboratory head and staffs. Based on equipments and research groups, there are four laboratories under Department of Geological Engineering:


Laboratory Coordinator
Environmental Geology Najib, ST, M.Eng., Ph.D
Geodynamics Yoga Aribowo, ST, M.T
Energy Resources Nurakhmi Qadaryati, ST, M.Eng.
Mineral Resources Jenian Marin, ST, M.Eng.


Geodynamics Lab.


Laboratorium Geodinamik, Hidrogeologi, dan Planologi

Environmental Geology Lab.


Mineral Resources Lab.


Energy Resources Lab.

List of Standard Operating Procedure:

  1. Mineral Resources Lab.
    1. Microscope Instruction Manual
    2. General Laboratory Procedure
    3. Display Instruction Manual
  2. Energy Resources Lab.
    1. Palynology Analysis
    2. Heavy Mineral Analysis
    3. Granulometry Analysis
    4. Foraminifera Analysis
    5. Student Practice
    6. Laboratory Assistant Recruitment
    7. Equipment Borrowing Procedure
    8. General Laboratory Procedure
  3. Environmental Geology Lab.
    1. General Laboratory Procedure
    2. Sondir Instruction Manual
  4. Geodynamics Lab
    1. Physical – Chemical Test
    2. Pumping Test
    3. Geoelectrical Measurement Manual