On Wednesday and Thursday, 10th and 11th August 2022, an online field visit was conducted by assessor of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education to conduct an accreditation assessment of the Geological Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. This activity is the final part of the application for accreditation of study programs every 5 years to improve the quality of the institution. The parties who attended this event were the faculty, namely the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof.Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, MSc, PhD. and their staff, TPMF, LP2MP, UPPM, UPKS, IO, Study Program Accreditation Team, as well as students and alumni. Through the Zoom meeting, the assessment is carried out by Dr. Eng.Ir. Muhammad Ramli, MT from Mining Engineering, Hasanuddin University and Dr.Eng. Syafrizal, ST, MT from FTTM ITB as the assessors.

On the first day, there was a presentation about the profile, services, and performance of the study program by Dr.rer.nat.Thomas Triadi Putranto, ST, M.Eng. as Head of Study Program. Next was a discussion with the UPPS manager and the Internal Quality Assurance Team with the faculty team who accompanied the study program accreditation team. The next session was filled with discussions on submitted documents (LED and LKPS) that had been prepared by the team. The last session of the first day was a discussion with stakeholders and Geological Engineering alumni.

The event continued on the second day, the assessors opened two discussion sessions with the lecturers and education staff of the study program with a discussion about the performance of the staff in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Not only staff, then there were discussions between assessors and student representatives from each batch and outstanding students regarding academic and non-academic activities.

The visit ended with the submission of the minutes of the field assessment. It is hoped that this activity will bring satisfactory results and obtain excellent accreditation for the next 5 years.