End of August 2022 comes with good news within the Department of Geological Engineering, Diponegoro University.  This study program had received Excellent Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Throughout its establishment, the Geological Engineering Study Program has been accredited three times and the last submission in 2022 achieved the highest results.

This success cannot be separated from the department’s performance in improving quality and ensuring the quality of various aspects that are indicators of accreditation assessment. This achievement is also the culmination of the accreditation application process that has been carried out and prepared by the team from 2021 to early 2022. In the process, the quality assurance team of faculties and universities also assists and provides input so that the standard documents prepared are in accordance with the guidelines from BAN-PT.

As stated in the Decree no. 5761/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/S/VII/2022, this Excellent Accreditation status is valid August 30, 2022 – August 30, 2027. The entire academic community of the Department of Geological Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering is grateful for this achievement. The management expressed their gratitude to all lecturers, staff, students, and alumni who helped in the accreditation process.

This Excellent Accreditation proves the quality and competitiveness of the Geological Engineering Study Program, Diponegoro University among geological engineering study programs from other universities in Indonesia. Our future hope is to make this institution even better and being recognized at the international level so that it supports the World Class University program by Diponegoro University.